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2023-05-10 14:56:27




突然想到,“认真的雪”在英文里如何表达?最直译的应该是snow in earnest,如果想加重语气,用snow in real earnest。但感觉未达歌中意味。雪沉沉地下,人痴痴地恋。中心良苦,付诸雪花,寄托怀抱。翻成snow with all my heart, 会不会好一点呢?


With one’s heart表示心无旁骛,尽心尽意。如果雪兀自努力飘落,应该是it snows with all it’s heart. 而雪本无心,人自有意,所以我用snow with all my heart.。是否指代错误?估计难逃语法的清规戒律。



Snow with all my heart

 夜深人静 那是爱情

Deep and quiet at night


Love steals in and seizes my heart,

 提醒我 爱你要随时待命

telling me to keep standing by.

 音乐安静 还是爱情啊

Silence sets in as music dies


when love again gnaws at my heart.


In the drama of love I’ve lost my part.

 爱得那么深 爱得那么认真

I am deep in love with all my heart,


Only to see you depart


Snow broke out in shanghai,

an absence of more than ten years,


the moment you told me to break up.

 雪下得那么深 下得那么认真

The snow lies thick, falling with all my heart,


and revealing my snowy bruises of love.


how much it hurts means little to me


but could you ever find a better company to keep?



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